Nick DeCarlis called the meeting to order at 10:00am, January 14, 2017
Tom Stoll, Treasurer, provided our financial status and we are solvent.
Nick, in his role as Membership coordinator reported that we have 50 paid members including the 13 new members who were NOT members in 2016, Welcome!
The December meeting minutes were accepted as published.
Old Business
Upon opening “Old Business” Marsh DeHart made a motion regarding moving to a new site and it was supported by a second from the membership.
There was a lively discussion but seemed to focus on two points; the first was about STV having the “right” to repair the road, the second about the length of the lease.
The first had been investigated and Levy county officials confirmed that STV DOES have the right to repair this road as long as it is not blocked.
The second is mitigated by the obvious commitment of the STV principals to an RC site at this location and are unlikely to change given their investment and statements. Secondly, the 3 year term is normal and appropriate for this type of activity and is based upon advice from Real Estate professionals.
Others supported the concern that the current site is likely to be lost through neighborhood complaints or change in business plan by the landowner.
It was noted that there is no documented agreement in any form between FGMAC and the current landowner.
A vote was taken by voice and it passed easily but, in order to eliminate any doubt, a show of hands yielded 22 YES and 9 NO. The current membership is 50 requiring 13 for a quorum. The motion passed easily.
There will be details and help solicited from the membership concerning timing of the move coming in the next few days.
New Business
Nick DeCarlis announced his picks for the following Directorships
- Field – Pat DeCarlis and Steve Hilmes
- Safety – David Forbes
- Training – Keith Rayner
- Website – Mike Gardner
- Membership – Nick DeCarlis
It has been discovered that Flying Gators Inc. has not been servicing it’s tax responsibility in that no EIN number has been applied for nor have any returns been posted as required, non-profit or not. More to come on this.
Lyman Slack announced that $250 from Russ Lewis’ estate has been allocated for a luncheon at the current field. He will organize this in the coming weeks.
The FGMAC Constitution and Bylaws are in serious need of updating and that was announced in the January meeting. During the February meeting, a motion will be called to adopt the modified documents.
January 2017 Meeting MinutesAttached is a message by James Garlington.
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